The "Pequenos Autores, Grandes Histórias" ("Little Writers, Great
Stories" in free translation) project's main objective is to transform writing
into a fun and pleasurable activity for children.
Through several encounters and dynamics, children between 8 and 11 years old,
in a vulnerable social situation, write their own stories, and afterwords,
teenagers from particular schools get involved in the illustrations of those.
These very important social interactions result in a compilation book.
Stories" in free translation) project's main objective is to transform writing
into a fun and pleasurable activity for children.
Through several encounters and dynamics, children between 8 and 11 years old,
in a vulnerable social situation, write their own stories, and afterwords,
teenagers from particular schools get involved in the illustrations of those.
These very important social interactions result in a compilation book.
In this third edition, the book was created from a collaboration
between kids writing in São Paulo - Brazil, and teenagers drawing in Germany,
witch also resulted in a bilingual book.
The illustration shown here was the cover for this edition,
drawn by hand and digitalized afterwards.
between kids writing in São Paulo - Brazil, and teenagers drawing in Germany,
witch also resulted in a bilingual book.
The illustration shown here was the cover for this edition,
drawn by hand and digitalized afterwards.